Why company in Hong Kong is ideal platform for Amazon vendors?

It’s clear information to most of us that recent years Amazon attracted thousands of suppliers from all over the world to its trading platform in USA and Canada, but also to some other countries, like Germany, and Mexico.
There’s nothing surprising about it, since Amazon offered the most valuable thing, it’s the biggest and the richest retail market in the world together with easy to understand and maximum transparent platform for work in the matter of logistics, finance and marketing.
Many suppliers studying the work with Amazon trading platform question themselves with important issues. How to do business in this retail in legally and correct way, how to arrange profit return to their personal bank account, how to arrange payment to suppliers. It’s obvious that their home jurisdiction is often not the correct way to choose. Some country’s legislation doesn’t imply offshore business and has foreign currency restrictions.
We would like to recommend the work with Amazon using Hong Kong limited company. And there are many grounds for this. Let’s talk them in more details.
1. Registration of Hong Kong takes only one week. And there’s no necessity to come to Hong Kong.
2. Registration fee in general takes only 600 USD.
3.Total annual expenditures on limited company start only from 900 USD.
4. There are very little restrictions on nationality for limited company in HK. All restrictions are mostly related to companies in the UN sanctions list.
5. Jurisdiction in one legal field with China, and it’s easy to notice that most of real manufactures are in China.
6. Company in Hong Kong and retail business in Amazon provide rather reliable ways to open account in reliable financial system.
7. The English language is official language in Hong Kong, that’s why most of the law and requirements on accounting are easy to grasp.
8. It’s really easy to do accounting. Furthermore, it’s really hard to imagine more simple and more transparent requirement for accounting than in Hong Kong. The first accounting check starts only after 1,5 years from commencement day.
9. Easy to understand taxation system and the lowest profit tax in the world. The only tax, which trading company with foreign employees need to pay is profit tax, which is only 8,5 % of net profit for companies with net profit lower than 4 million Hong Kong dollars. Furthermore, there are legal ways to lower the tax burden and the government usually annually supports the business with tax allowance.
10. The last and one of the most important things is existence of reliable partner in the name of CorpProm. And we are always here to support you in the questions of registration, company service and bank communication.
So dear colleagues, if you are already in Amazon or just thinking over Amazon system – limited company in Hong Kong with the reliable partner CorpProm – is the right option!