Virtual Banking in Hong Kong

Information technology has spread through all areas of our life and influenced virtualization of bank sphere.

Traditional banks aren’t as mobile as virtual banking which can offer a new kind of services in banking and satisfy the needs of different groups of clients. The main feature of this banking is working only through Internet without traditional branch office and some operate only mobile app.

From the moment of opening the 1st virtual bank in the world “Security First Network Bank” passed 22 year. Only in 2017 year in Hong Kong was announced about intention to begin “A New Era of Smart Banking”. In 2020 year already 8 virtual banks has begun its work: ZA Bank Limited, Airstar Bank Limited, Ant Bank, Livi Bank Limited, Fusion Bank, Mox Bank Limited, Ping An OneConnect Bank, WeLab Bank. Za Bank Limited is the first virtual banks in Hong Kong launched an opportunity to issue a debit cards for new clients, and also started new foreign incoming payments.

Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) expects that virtual banking development will help to promote high technology and innovation not only in this sphere. The focus is on local business, mostly personal banking, but corporate services for SME are becoming more and more popular.

Our company will help to understand the specifics of opening bank account in Hong Kong and China.   

Profit tax in Hong Kong

This article is about features of the profit tax in Hong Kong

1. The Hong Kong tax system is based on the territorial principle. If the company’s profit is originated from outside Hong Kong, there are legal ways not to pay corporate tax in Hong Kong. Income from foreign sources is not taxed, even if it was moved to Hong Kong. Anyway there are corporate bodies who prefer to become tax resident of Hong Kong, even if they are working outside, mostly because of low profit tax and easy to follow tax policy.

2. Legal entities that make business and profits on the territory of Hong Kong must pay income tax in Hong Kong on a regular base. It also applies to other jurisdictions that are registered as tax residents in Hong Kong. There are some minor details that can be stipulated as activity in Hong Kong or activity outside Hong Kong.

3. The company’s loss is accumulated for over a period of 5 years, and income tax will be accrued only after company’s full repayment of its loss.

4. In Hong Kong the corporate tax is progressive. Currently, the standard rate of corporate tax in Hong Kong is 16.5%. The tax rate for small corporations with income is less than 4 million GK dollars, the tax rate is only 8%. This is almost the lowest income tax rate in the world.

Our company helps to understand all the features of taxation in Hong Kong and can be tax agent between corporate body and Inland Revenue Department.


感謝 亞洲商博 (Corp Prom)。我們工廠與世界各地的客戶合作。為了拓展業務、保護商業信息的安全、構建龐大的銀行系統網和享受低稅收的優惠,我們決定在香港成立一家公司並需要開設銀行賬戶。Asia corp prom 亞洲商博公司幫助我們成功解決了所有與銀行有關的問題。這讓我們不僅促進了與客戶的溝通關系,而且更加熟練的操作業務。謝謝您能耐心聽取我的問題,並以專業的態度給予充分的建議和鼎力的幫助

Bank account in HK Bank, Corp Prom really helped!

I would like to thank guys from Asia Corp Prom. I had problems with my banker all the time in Hong Kong, different checks and didn’t know how to reply, they professionally helped me to prepare accounting and my workflow for correct communication with banker HSBC. Now they are my contact persons in the banker, really helpful and I can concentrate on my business, not just on bank checks and reviews. Charges are really low, but really helped. Thanks! Really recommend that they are professionally know the banking industry in China and Hong Kong, which is really essential for business development.

再次要感謝Asia Corp Prom公司。


再次要感谢Asia Corp Prom公司。


在此要感謝Asia Corp Prom的專業合夥人。


在此要感谢Asia Corp Prom的专业合伙人。


Inland Revenue department

Dear Partners!

We found an interesting case recently happened and published by Inland Revenue department, that we would like to share with you.


(a) Company A, Company B and Company C (collectively referred to as “the HK Companies”) are companies incorporated in Hong Kong. Their respective parent companies and common ultimate holding company are incorporated outside Hong Kong.

(b) The HK Companies are principally engaged in property investment. They collectively own a commercial building for long-term investment and letting purposes.

(c) The Group, of which the HK Companies are members, adopts a sole ownership holding structure where one property holding company holds the entire interest in one property. In order to standardize property holding structure, and enhance management and operational efficiency, the Group has planned to amalgamate Company B and Company C horizontally into Company A (“the Amalgamation”).

The arrangement

(a) Company B and Company C will be amalgamated into Company A by 30 June 2017.

(b) The Amalgamation is governed by the amalgamation provisions in Division 3 under Part 13 of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622). The legal effect of the Amalgamation on and after the effective date of the Amalgamation includes:

(i) Company B and Company C cease to exist as entities separate from Company A;

(ii) Company A succeeds to all property, rights and privileges, and all liabilities and obligations of Company B and Company C; and

(iii) Any agreement entered into by Company B and Company C may be enforced by or against Company A.

(c) After the Amalgamation, Company A, as a sole owner, will principally and solely engaged in the rental business of the entire building.

Source : The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Inland Revenue Department Advance Ruling Case No. 62 dated 22 August 2017


感谢 亚洲商博 (Corp Prom)。我们工厂与世界各地的客户合作。为了拓展业务、保护商业信息的安全、构建庞大的银行系统网和享受低税收的优惠,我们决定在香港成立一家公司并需要开设银行账户。Asia corp prom 亚洲商博公司帮助我们成功解决了所有与银行有关的问题。这让我们不仅促进了与客户的沟通关系,而且更加熟练的操作业务。谢谢您能耐心听取我的问题,并以专业的态度给予充分的建议和鼎力的帮助