
In the article we would like to regard two major corporate tax in Mainland China. This is Value Added Tax (VAT) and Profit tax. 1) Standard VAT rate for goods is 13%. Tax is to be paid on monthly base. As the base for calculation is Government invoice value. 政府发票. All these invoices are recorded …

Dear Colleagues, Starting from 27th Dec 2023, the 2nd phase of the law about Unique Business Identifier (“UBI”) takes force. The main idea of the changes is that start from 27th Dec 2023 Business Registration Number (“BRN”) (i.e. first 8 digits of the number which can be found in Business Registration Certificate) will become Unique Business …

Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the changes in HK tax legislation which occurred recently. The changes are related to companies’ “no-activity” reporting. “Starting from this year, all corporations and businesses, regardless of the amount of their gross income and the mode of return filing, must submit their profits tax …

China Income Tax is the standard and basic corporate tax in China. Its standard rate is 25%. But besides standard rate, many companies may be entitled for more preferential rate, among them: – companies, which may be qualified as high-tech companies, are entitled for 15% tax rate; – companies, which may be qualified as engaged …

By clicking the link below, you can download bank calender for 2023. It’s a wonderful tool for planning your international payments. Our company every year prepares it for valuable clients to faciliatate their payment rotine! Bank Calender 2023 year

New Inspection Regime of the Companies Register (“the Register”) under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) (“CO”) takes force on 24th October 2022. The main changes are related to the search of public information in Company Registry. The information on companies was open to public before the law takes force. Starting from 24th October the Company …

By clicking the link below, you can download bank calendar for 2022. It’s a wonderful tool for planning your international payments. Our company every year prepares it for valuable clients to faciliatate their payment rotine! Bank Calendar 2022

Many clients ask us a question: why the banker has closed my account? Or can tell the story of how their business or nationality is not accepted by the banker anymore … To tell the truth, the answer for this question is not that obvious. First of all, we would like to say that there …

International payment platforms emerged on the market not long ago. In the beginning we heard many questions like what it is? how it can be used? what is their difference with traditional bankers? Please note! That in this article we are not going to review payment platforms related to cryptocurrency and stock exchange products, we …

It’s clear information to most of us that recent years Amazon attracted thousands of suppliers from all over the world to its trading platform in USA and Canada, but also to some other countries, like Germany, and Mexico. There’s nothing surprising about it, since Amazon offered the most valuable thing, it’s the biggest and the …

Many companies face the problem of notarization of documents at some point of work. In Hong Kong documents can be notarized in High Court, by public notary and by certified public accountant (CPA)/Auditor. This article will introduce the list of documents that can be apostilled by High court. A document can be apostilled (type of …

Information technology has spread through all areas of our life and influenced virtualization of bank sphere. Traditional banks aren’t as mobile as virtual banking which can offer a new kind of services in banking and satisfy the needs of different groups of clients. The main feature of this banking is working only through Internet without …

This article is about features of the profit tax in Hong Kong 1. The Hong Kong tax system is based on the territorial principle. If the company’s profit is originated from outside Hong Kong, there are legal ways not to pay corporate tax in Hong Kong. Income from foreign sources is not taxed, even if …

Dear Partners! We found an interesting case recently happened and published by Inland Revenue department, that we would like to share with you. Background (a) Company A, Company B and Company C (collectively referred to as “the HK Companies”) are companies incorporated in Hong Kong. Their respective parent companies and common ultimate holding company are …